Featured Products

System 5900
An advanced ultra-high resolution side scan sonar with integrated gap filler sonar and co-registered bathymetry for high speed MCM and surveillance missions.

System 5000 V2
An advanced high resolution, dynamically focused side scan sonar for high-speed military and commercial surveys
UUV System 3500
Low power dual frequency side scan sonar with advanced bathymetry and onboard processing for integration with AUVs and UUVs

Mine countermeasures
Detect, locate, identify and classify underwater objects quickly and accurately with trusted and accurate side scan sonar systems and proven AI based ATR. Klein’s industry leading high resolution, high speed sonar, Klein 5900, enables highly efficiency surveys with near-SAS level resolution in a wide operating window, shortening MCM campaigns by up to weeks.
High speed, high resolution surveys
Time is of the essence when conducting critical missions, but the ability to effectively detect and identify objects of interest cannot be compromised. Klein’s 5900 sonar has been designed with this in mind, and can operate at up to 12 knots with centimeter scale resolution. This is achieved with Klein’s innovative dynamically focused technology, unmatched in quality and design.
MCM in any weather
MCM operations need to be conducted quickly, efficiently and with a high coverage rate in a wide range of weather conditions. SAS systems compel the MCM Commander to limit operations to windows of good weather or low sea states. The 5900 dramatically expands the window of operations due to its inherent motion tolerance. This shortens the MCM campaign by weeks in some occasions. You go to sea, you get images.

Optimized for littoral waters
Imaging in littoral waters can be very challenging due to wave-induced motion on the towfish. This presents a major problem for conventional SAS systems and can inhibit them from producing an image due to excessive heave variations. Klein engineers have designed the 5900 to overcome these challenges and ensure delivery of outstanding shallow water performance by minimizing surface reflections typical of high sea state conditions of littoral waters.
Automatic target recognition (ATR)
Classifying targets in survey data can be a lengthy and manual task requiring high levels of skill and experience, which can cause delays to decision-making in the field. The introduction of AI based ATR via Spectral Ai is a force multiplier, reducing the time to classify and enabling near-real time analysis when it is needed most.

Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance missions
Rapid characterization of the seabed is vital for successful surveillance and reconnaissance missions. Often operating in unknown waters, the identification and classification of objects and threats accurately is key to enabling in field decision-making.
Rapid surveys with 100% bottom coverage
Klein’s 5000v2 sidescan sonar was designed to conduct rapid surveys at high resolution with 100% bottom coverage in a robust system designed for the challenges of unknown waters. Utilising Klein’s ground-breaking dynamically focused technology, the 5000 v2 side scan sonar is a vital tool for military missions.

AUV solutions with UUV 3500
As autonomous capabilities continue to advance, the addition of AUVs to the fleet acts as a force multiplier in surveying.
Side scan for standard and micro AUVs
Klein has a dedicated range of side scan sonars for standard and micro AUVs, enabling the high quality, high resolution images traditionally obtained from towfish are attainable from UUV platforms.
Proven payloads
Klein UUV payloads have been integrated with a wide range of AUVs, collecting impressive data reliably from unmanned platforms thanks to their low power, innovative design.
Want to find out more?
Get in touch with our fantastic sales team today who will be happy to help with your requirements.